Voor spoedgevallen zijn wij altijd bereikbaar op 040-3035152 en werken wij samen met het Evidensia dierenziekenhuis Zuid-Oost Brabant
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Dierenkliniek de Kempen treats companion animals at all its locations. Dogs, cats, rabbits and small rodents make up the majority of patients. Dierenkliniek de Kempen also treats horses and farm animals. You can come to us for all primary care such as health checks, vaccinations, X-rays and surgeries, as well as more extensive laboratory tests, ultrasound, laparoscopic sterilizations and orthopedic surgical procedures.
Dierenkliniek De Kempen is a progressive veterinary practice that places cattle and pig health care in a high light. Day and night we are at your service with certified cattle and pig veterinarians who combine knowledge and expertise in the best possible way. Treatment of abomasum displacement by endoscopy, participation in field trials with or without the cooperation of GD or pharmacist, periodic farm check in the context of the kkm, fertility guidance, mastitis guidance and so on.
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